Friday, October 10, 2008


When walking through a cemetery and looking at the headstones, you will notice quite a few different epitaphs/abbreviations on the headstones. This can tell you about your ancestors and there is also some fantastic information included on some of the headstones. For example: One cemetery I was walking through had the following information included on the headstone.

"Born in Arnsfeld, Prussia. She endured mistreatment from Russians at the end of WWII, from which she suffered the rest of her life. An accomplished horsewoman."

Another headstone stated: "Mother of 13".

Here's a good one: "A pioneer, the 1st settler in Lane County - 1846"

This is downright exciting!!! You can find all kinds of things about people - just by reading what is written on their headstone.

Some headstones include the branch of the service they were in, their rank, etc. Other headstones include the date married, the names of their children, the names of their parents, their spouse, whether they are a member of IOOF, a Woodsman of the World, etc.

One of my hobbies is to walk through cemeteries, write down the information on the headstones and then put that information into a paperback book. I then make these books available for sale, at a small price. If you are interested in these books, you can email me at:

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